FreedomPop Overdrive Pro Reviews
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- "So my FreedomPop Overdrive pro #hotspot came in a day earlier than the tracking info indicated. I spent all of yesterday using it. At work, at church... Sure there are ways for me to, in an emergency, tether with my android phone, but there is just this ease of being able to just turn a little box on and get my tablets and laptop online when and where needed. So far, I've had no issues with #freedompop , granted I've only been signed on for a few days, but the hotspot worked great from the moment I turned it on and it's been working great since. I'm sure that they'll be an occasional issue here or there, I've seen some of the ones mentioned on twitter, but what service doesn't have issues right? Even Gmail goes down sometimes. In any case, Freedompop, good on ya! You've enabled me to use my wifi only devices as they SHOULD be used, since my job doesn't offer free wifi =)" -Eliezer W.
- "I'm loving my @FreedomPop4G Overdrive: the 3G coverage means I have connectivity everywhere!" -Benjamin T. View Tweet
- "Hello, I just became a freedompop customer with an overdrive pro. I just traveled overseas and found that your system worked good at the Atlanta airport. Faster than the sky lounge wireless." -Anonymous
- "Severe thunderstorms, tornado warning - I've lost my cable internet service. My overdrive pro is on and I'm able to keep track of weather radar. One of just a few reasons that I have my overdrive pro always within reach. Thank you FreedomPop!" - Patrick B.
- "Got the Overdrive over the weekend it's AWESOME! I have intermittent 4g service so the 3G fallback is great. Thanks Freedom Pop!" -Tracy C.
- "Pretty cool. Using my FreedomPop overdrive pro for the first time to connect via 4g in a parking lot. For free." -Karl F View Tweet
- "I just got my FreedomPop Overdrive. 500mb of 3G and 4G for just $3.99/month, and it has better coverage than my at&t 4G iPhone. Definitely worth the wait, I love FreedomPop!" -Brandon C.
- "Snow covering ground. Power out. Using @FreedomPop4G Overdrive pro. Great backup internet!" -Jarod H. View Tweet
- "Thanks a Million FreedomPop! There is a power outage at my house, but thanks to your Overdrive Pro 4G/3G hotspot I can still get online!" -Grant M.
- "So my DSL keeps cutting out and luckily I have a couple freedompop devices switched over with no problems, actually seems faster than my terrible ATT dsl lol Love my overdrive pro" -Arix M.
- "I love this Overdrive Pro. You guys delivered within few days last week. It even work better than my Internet On the Go device. The data costs for are the best." -Marina C.