FreedomPop Hub Burst Reviews
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- "My "Freedom Hub Burst" modem arrived safe and sound. It was super easy to set up. The user interface was very clear and I was able to set a new WiFi password and rename the SSID within minutes. Connection strength is excellent at my home in Seattle (Queen Anne). I'm very pleased with my new FreedomPop connection!" -Kent K.
- "Got my Hub Burst! Loving it." -Tascha B.
- "AT&T DSL modem died. Got a FreedomPop Burst Hub. Took exactly 1 minute to set up. Costs me $18/month. #freedompop4g, I'm in love." -Angela G. View Tweet
- "Tweeting this using my new FreedomPop Hub Burst 4G as my Internet connection. Thanks for getting things sorted out for me, @FreedomPop4G !" -Donde Esta View Tweet
- "Thank you again for your wonderful support and fast lighting speed response! I am extremely pleased with the HUB! In fact, I stayed up all night doing benchmarks with it! I get better (reception) with the hub than with the Photon device. Since I use the Hub as primary gateway for all voip communications, I noticed a big difference in clarity and performance when I switched to the Hub. I am very pleased with the product and I strongly recommend this product to anyone that wants to save $$ and have quality voip communication. The 10GB plan has ample of bandwidth for all my voip communications (except Facetime)!" -Dino Mite
- "I have the FreedomPop Hub and it is faster than my Centurylink DSL by a good margin." -BJL
- "@MoneyMatters @FreedomPop4G I tried the at home Hub Burst. It was awesome! Faster than my DSL. Now I'm about to try the hotspot." -Joel L. View Tweet